Monday, April 16, 2012


Trailer: Looper - Sony Pictures

Once again continuing the Science-Fiction theme! A trailer has been released for the upcoming September 28 release "Looper." The film stars Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as older and younger versions of the same character. The younger version is a hit man who kills off people sent 30 years back by those who want them to disappear. When his older self mysteriously appears, it sets up all kinds of complications!

The trailer has plenty of action, as you would expect. The time-travel concept is well worn, to say the least! So, for me, the film hinges on how compelling and how well done the story is. If the story is compelling and exciting, it could work very well. If it seems contrived, or asks for too much suspension of disbelief, it might not work as well. We will have the chance to see how it turns out in late summer.

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